Amount of Verses: 99

15:1 15:2 15:3 15:4 15:5 15:6 15:7 15:8 15:9 15:10 15:11 15:12 15:13 15:14 15:15 15:16 15:17 15:18 15:19 15:20 15:21 15:22 15:23 15:24 15:25 15:26 15:27 15:28 15:29 15:30 15:31 15:32 15:33 15:34 15:35 15:36 15:37 15:38 15:39 15:40 15:41 15:42 15:43 15:44 15:45 15:46 15:47 15:48 15:49 15:50 15:51 15:52 15:53 15:54 15:55 15:56 15:57 15:58 15:59 15:60 15:61 15:62 15:63 15:64 15:65 15:66 15:67 15:68 15:69 15:70 15:71 15:72 15:73 15:74 15:75 15:76 15:77 15:78 15:79 15:80 15:81 15:82 15:83 15:84 15:85 15:86 15:87 15:88 15:89 15:90 15:91 15:92 15:93 15:94 15:95 15:96 15:97 15:98 15:99

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
15:1الر تلك ءايت الكتب وقرءان مبينالٓر ۚ تِلْكَ ءَايَٟتُ ٱلْكِتَٟبِ وَقُرْءَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ A.L.R. Jene sind die Zeichen der Schrift und eines klaren Qurans Alif, Lâm, RâÅ. Dies sind die Verse des offenbarten, klaren und eindeutigen Buches. Alif Lám Rá. Dies sind Verse des Buches und des erleuchtenden Korans. A.L.R. These (letters) are proofs of this scripture; a profound Qur´án. ALR, these are the signs of the Book, and a clear Qur'an. A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation,- of a Qur´an that makes things clear. Alif. Lam. Ra. Alif. Lam. Ra. These are verses of the Scripture and a plain Reading. AlifLaamRa. Those are the verses of the Book, the Clear Koran. Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book and (of) a Quran that makes (things) clear. Alif Lâm Râ. These are the verses of the perfect Book and of the Qur´ân, that distinguishes the right from the wrong.
15:2ربما يود الذين كفروا لو كانوا مسلمينرُّبَمَا يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ لَوْ كَانُوا۟ مُسْلِمِينَ Vielleicht möchten diejenigen, die ableugneten, dass sie Gottergebene gewesen wären Die Ungläubigen werden oftmals im Jenseits wünschen, sie hätten an Gott geglaubt und sich Ihm ergeben. Oft werden die Ungläubigen wünschen, sie wären Muslims. Certainly, those who disbelieved will wish they were submitters. Ultimately, those who have rejected will wish they had submitted! Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah´s will) in Islam. And it will come to pass that those who are [now] bent on denying this truth will wish that they had surrendered themselves to God [in their life time]. It may be that those who disbelieve wish ardently that they were Muslims. It could be that those who disbelieve will wish that they were Muslims. Often will those who disbelieve wish that they had been Muslims. Often those who disbelieve (in the verses of this perfect Book) would wish they had been Muslims.
15:3ذرهم يأكلوا ويتمتعوا ويلههم الأمل فسوف يعلمونذَرْهُمْ يَأْكُلُوا۟ وَيَتَمَتَّعُوا۟ وَيُلْهِهِمُ ٱلْأَمَلُ ۖ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ Lass sie essen und genießen und sich durch die Hoffnung ablenken lassen. Sie werden es dann wissen Laß sie essen und genießen und sich der falschen Hoffnung hingeben! Sie werden am Jüngsten Tag erkennen, was auf sie zukommt. Überlasse sie sich selbst, daß sie schmausen und genießen und daß eitle Hoffnung sie einlülle; bald werden sie es erfahren. Let them eat, enjoy, and remain blinded by wishful thinking; they will find out. Leave them to eat and enjoy, and let them be preoccupied with wishful thinking. They will come to know. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them). Leave them alone; let them eat and enjoy themselves the while the hope [of vain delights] be guiles them: for in time they will come to know [the truth]. Let them eat and enjoy life, and let (false) hope beguile them. They will come to know! Let them eat and enjoy; and let their hopes deceive them, soon they shall know. Leave them that they may eat and enjoy themselves and (that) hope may beguile them, for they will soon know. Leave them alone to eat and enjoy themselves and let vain hopes beguile them, but they will soon know (the reality).
15:4وما أهلكنا من قرية إلا ولها كتاب معلوموَمَآ أَهْلَكْنَا مِن قَرْيَةٍ إِلَّا وَلَهَا كِتَابٌۭ مَّعْلُومٌۭ Und wir vernichteten keine Ortschaft, außer dass es für sie ein bewußtes Schreiben gab Wir haben nie eine städtische Gemeinschaft vernichtet, ohne den Zeitpunkt genau vorbestimmt zu haben. Wir haben nie eine Stadt zerstört, ohne daß für sie ein wohlbekannter Erlaß wäre. We never annihilated any community, except in accordance with a specific, predetermined time. We have not destroyed any town except that it had an appointed time. Never did We destroy a population that had not a term decreed and assigned beforehand. And never have We destroyed any community [for its wrongdoing] unless a divine writ had (previously] been made known to it; And We destroyed no township but there was a known decree for it. We never destroyed a village whose term had not already been decreed. And never did We destroy a town but it had a term made known. And never did We destroy a township but it had a decree made known.
15:5ما تسبق من أمة أجلها وما يستءخرونمَّا تَسْبِقُ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ أَجَلَهَا وَمَا يَسْتَـْٔخِرُونَ Weder geht eine der Nationen ihrer Frist voraus, noch werden sie hinausgeschoben Keine Gemeinschaft kann diese Frist vorverlegen oder hinausschieben. Kein Volk kann seine Frist überschreiten; noch können sie dahinter zurückbleiben. The end of any community can never be advanced, nor delayed. No nation can quicken its fate, nor can they delay it. Neither can a people anticipate its term, nor delay it. [but remember that] no community can ever forestall [the end of] its term - and neither can they delay [it]. No nation can outstrip its term nor can they lag behind. No nation can outstrip its term, nor do they put it back. No people can hasten on their doom nor can they postpone (it). No people can outstrip its term and none can ever remain behind.
15:6وقالوا يأيها الذى نزل عليه الذكر إنك لمجنونوَقَالُوا۟ يَٟٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِى نُزِّلَ عَلَيْهِ ٱلذِّكْرُ إِنَّكَ لَمَجْنُونٌۭ Und sie sagten: Du, auf den die Gedenkschrift herabgesandt wurde, du bist sicher besessen Sie sprachen: "Du, der dir das ermahnende Buch herabgesandt worden ist, du bist geistesgestört! Sie sprachen: «O du, zu dem die Ermahnung herabgesandt ward, du bist fürwahr ein Verrückter. They said, "O you who received this reminder, you are crazy. And they said: 'O you upon whom the Reminder has been sent down, you are crazy.' They say: "O thou to whom the Message is being revealed! truly thou art mad (or possessed)! And yet, they [who deny the truth] say: "O thou unto whom this reminder has [allegedly] been bestowed from on high: verily, thou art mad! And they say: O thou unto whom the Reminder is revealed, lo! thou art indeed a madman! They say: ´You to whom the Remembrance is sent down, you are indeed mad. And they say: O you to whom the Reminder has been revealed! you are most surely insane: And they say, `O you to whom this Reminder (- the Qur´ân) has been revealed! you are a mad man indeed.
15:7لو ما تأتينا بالملئكة إن كنت من الصدقينلَّوْ مَا تَأْتِينَا بِٱلْمَلَٟٓئِكَةِ إِن كُنتَ مِنَ ٱلصَّٟدِقِينَ Hättest du uns nur die Engel gebracht, wenn du ehrlich zu sein pflegtest Könntest du uns nicht die Engel als Beweis holen, wenn du die Wahrheit sagst?" Warum bringst du nicht Engel zu uns, wenn du der Wahrhaftigen einer bist?» "Why do you not bring down the angels, if you are truthful?" 'Why not bring us the angels if you are of the truthful ones?' "Why bringest thou not angels to us if it be that thou hast the Truth?" Why dost thou not bring before us angels, if thou art a man of truth? Why bringest thou not angels unto Us, if thou art of the truthful? Why do you not bring down the angels, if what you say is true.´ Why do you not bring to us the angels if you are of the truthful ones? `Why do you not bring the angels (for punishment) to us, if you are of the truthful?´
15:8ما ننزل الملئكة إلا بالحق وما كانوا إذا منظرينمَا نُنَزِّلُ ٱلْمَلَٟٓئِكَةَ إِلَّا بِٱلْحَقِّ وَمَا كَانُوٓا۟ إِذًۭا مُّنظَرِينَ Wir senden die Engel nicht herab, außer mit der Wahrheit, und dann wird ihnen kein Aufschub mehr gewährt Wir senden aber die Engel nur mit der endgültigen Meldung der unwiderlegbaren Wahrheit herab, der die vernichtende Strafe unverzüglich folgt. Wir senden keine Engel hernieder, außer mit triftigem Grunde, und dann wird ihnen kein Aufschub gewährt. We do not send down the angels except for specific functions. Otherwise, no one will be respited. We do not send down the angels except with the truth, and then they would have no more delay. We send not the angels down except for just cause: if they came (to the ungodly), behold! no respite would they have! [Yet] We never send down angels otherwise than in accordance with the [demands of] truth; We send not down the angels save with the Fact, and that case (the disbelievers) would not be tolerated. We do not send angels except with the truth. Then they shall have no respite. We do not send the angels but with truth, and then they would not be respited. We send no angels until (the punishment becomes) rightly due and (when once We do send them) these (disbelievers) will not be the respited ones.
15:9إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحفظونإِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَٟفِظُونَ Gewiss, wir sind es, die die Gedenkschrift herabsandten, und wir sind es, die sie bewahren werden Wir haben die Ermahnung herabgesandt, und Wir bewahren sie für immer und ewig. Wahrlich, Wir, Wir Selbst haben diese Ermahnung hinabgesandt, und sicherlich werden Wir ihr Hüter sein. Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it. Indeed it is We who have sent down the Reminder, and indeed it is We who will preserve it. We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder? Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and lo! We verily are its Guardian. It is We who sent down the Koran, and We watch over it. Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian. Verily, it was We, We Ourself Who have revealed this Reminder (- the Qur´ân); and it is We Who are, most certainly, its Guardian.
15:10ولقد أرسلنا من قبلك فى شيع الأولينوَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ فِى شِيَعِ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ Und wir sandten bereits vor dir in die Gemeinschaften der Ersten Wir haben vor dir Gesandte an Völker geschickt, (die für das Falsche Partei ergriffen und nun untergegangen sind). Wir entsandten schon vor dir (Gesandte) zu früheren Stämmen. We have sent (messengers) before you to the communities in the past. And We had sent before you, among the groups of old. We did send messengers before thee amongst the religious sects of old: AND, INDEED, [O Prophet,] even before thy time did We send [Our apostles] unto communities of old - We verily sent (messengers) before thee among the factions of the men of old. We have sent forth before you Messengers among the factions of the ancients. And certainly We sent (apostles) before you among the nations of yore. Indeed, We sent (Messengers) before you to the sects of the former peoples,
15:11وما يأتيهم من رسول إلا كانوا به يستهزءونوَمَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا۟ بِهِۦ يَسْتَهْزِءُونَ Und keiner der Gesandten kam zu ihnen, ohne dass sie ihn verspotteten Es kam kein Gesandter zu ihnen, über den sie nicht spotteten. Und nie kam ein Gesandter zu ihnen, über den sie nicht höhnten. Every time a messenger went to them, they ridiculed him. And no messenger would come to them, except that they would mock him. But never came a messenger to them but they mocked him. and never yet came an apostle to them without their deriding him. And never came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him. But no Messenger came to them except he was mocked. And there never came an apostle to them but they mocked him. Yet not a single Messenger ever came to them but they treated him scornfully.
15:12كذلك نسلكه فى قلوب المجرمينكَذَٟلِكَ نَسْلُكُهُۥ فِى قُلُوبِ ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ Auf diese Weise lassen wir ihn in den Herzen der Verbrecher sich wandeln So setzen Wir den Unglauben in den Herzen der Frevler ihren Absichten entsprechend fest. So lassen Wir diese (Sucht, zu höhnen) in die Herzen der Sünder einziehen; We thus control the minds of the guilty. It is such that We let it seep into the hearts of the criminals. Even so do we let it creep into the hearts of the sinners - Even so do We [now] cause this [scorn of Our message] to pervade the hearts of those who are lost in sin, Thus do We make it traverse the hearts of the guilty: So We make it enter the hearts of the sinners. Thus do We make it to enter into the hearts of the guilty; (Just as We made this a habit with the peoples gone by,) so do We cause this (tendency of scornful treatment) enter the minds of these people who sever their ties (with God).
15:13لا يؤمنون به وقد خلت سنة الأولينلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِۦ ۖ وَقَدْ خَلَتْ سُنَّةُ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ Sie glauben nicht an ihn, wobei die Normen der Ersten bereits vergangen sind Sie glauben nicht an die Offenbarung. Gott belangt sie gemäß Seinem Gesetz, wie Er die früheren Völker belangte. Sie glauben nicht daran, wiewohl das Beispiel der Früheren ergangen ist. Consequently, they cannot believe in him. This has been the system since the past generations. They do not believe in it, while the way of the earlier generations has gone before. That they should not believe in the (Message); but the ways of the ancients have passed away. who do not believe in it, They believe not therein, though the example of the men of old hath gone before. They do not believe in it even though the practice of the ancients has already gone. They do not believe in it, and indeed the example of the former people has already passed. They will not believe in this (Qur´ân), though the precedence of the former peoples has already gone (before them showing how the opposition of truth makes them deserving of the punishment of God).
15:14ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا من السماء فظلوا فيه يعرجونوَلَوْ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًۭا مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ فَظَلُّوا۟ فِيهِ يَعْرُجُونَ Und auch wenn wir ihnen eine Tür im Himmel öffneten und sie darin rauf- und runtergehen ließen Selbst, wenn Wir ihnen ein Himmelstor öffnen würden, durch das sie immer wieder hinaufsteigen könnten, um zu sehen, was es dort gibt, Und selbst wenn Wir ihnen ein Tor des Himmels öffneten und sie begännen dadurch hinaufzusteigen, Even if we opened for them a gate into the sky, through which they climb; And if We opened for them a gate in the heaven and they were to continue ascending into it, Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein, Yet even had We opened to them a gateway to heaven and they had ascended, on and on, up to it, And even if We opened unto them a Gate of Heaven and they kept mounting through it. If We opened a gate in the heaven and they kept ascending through it, And even if We open to them a gateway of heaven, so that they ascend into it all the while, And if We opened to them a gate of the heaven and they (-the angels) began ascending through it,
15:15لقالوا إنما سكرت أبصرنا بل نحن قوم مسحورونلَقَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَٟرُنَا بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌۭ مَّسْحُورُونَ Würden sie sagen: Unsere Blicke wurden dabei verschlossen. Wir sind doch nur ein verzaubertes Volk würden sie sagen: "Unsere Augen sind geblendet, und wir sind ein verzaubertes Volk." Sie würden gewißlich sprechen: «Nur unsere Blicke sind benommen; fürwahr, wir sind ein behextes Volk.» they will say, "Our eyes have been deceived. We have been bewitched." They would have said: 'Our sight has been fogged. No, we are a people being bewitched!' They would only say: "Our eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we have been bewitched by sorcery." they would surely have said, "It is only our eyes that are spellbound! Nay, we have been bewitched!, They would say: Our sight is wrong--nay, but we are folk bewitched. still they would say: ´Our eyes were dazzled; truly, we must have been a bewitched people.´ They would certainly say: Only our eyes.have been covered over, rather we are an enchanted people. Even then these people would surely say, `Our eyes have only been dazed; rather We are a bewitched people.´
15:16ولقد جعلنا فى السماء بروجا وزينها للنظرينوَلَقَدْ جَعَلْنَا فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ بُرُوجًۭا وَزَيَّنَّٟهَا لِلنَّٟظِرِينَ Und wir machten bereits im Himmel Konstellationen und schmückten ihn für die Zuschauer Wir haben am Himmel Sternkonstellationen geschaffen, ihn für die Betrachter schön gestaltet Und Wir habn fürwahr Türme in den Himmel gesetzt und ihn ausgeschmückt für die Beschauer. We placed galaxies in the sky, and adorned it for the beholders. And We have placed towers in the heaven and We have made them pleasant to the onlookers. It is We Who have set out the zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all) beholders; AND, INDEED, We have set up in the heavens great constellations, and endowed them with beauty for all to behold; And verily in the heaven We have set mansions of the stars, and We have beautified it for beholders. We have set constellations in the heavens and made them pleasing to the beholders, And certainly We have made strongholds in the heaven and We have made it fair seeming to the beholders. We have indeed set up constellations in the heaven, and We have decked it fair for the beholders,
15:17وحفظنها من كل شيطن رجيموَحَفِظْنَٟهَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْطَٟنٍۢ رَّجِيمٍ Und wir bewahrten ihn vor jedem verstoßenen Satan und ihn vor jedem verfluchten Satan geschützt. Und Wir haben ihn geschützt vor jedem verworfenen Satan, And we guarded it against every rejected devil. And We have guarded it from every outcast devil. And (moreover) We have guarded them from every cursed devil: and We have made them secure against every satanic force accursed - And We have guarded it from every outcast devil, and guarded them from every stoned satan. And We guard it against every accursed Shaitan, And We have guarded it against (the intrusion of) every rebellious rejected satan.
15:18إلا من استرق السمع فأتبعه شهاب مبينإِلَّا مَنِ ٱسْتَرَقَ ٱلسَّمْعَ فَأَتْبَعَهُۥ شِهَابٌۭ مُّبِينٌۭ Außer dem, der sich ein Gehör verstohlen hat; der wird dann von einem klaren Feuerkörper gefolgt Wollte ein Satan die Konstellationen belauschen, würde ihn eine hell leuchtende Flamme verfolgen. Außer vor jenem, der heimlich lauscht, dann verfolgt ihn eine helle Flamme. If any of them sneaks around to listen, a mighty projectile will chase him back. Except he who manages to eavesdrop, he will be pursued by a visible flame. But any that gains a hearing by stealth, is pursued by a flaming fire, bright (to see). so that anyone who seeks to learn [the unknowable] by stealth is pursued by a flame clear to see. Save him who stealeth the hearing, and them doth a clear flame pursue. Except for he who steals the listening and is then pursued by a visible flame. But he who steals a hearing, so there follows him a visible flame. As to one who wishes to steal a hearing (of the revelation to distort it) a bright fiery flame pursues him.
15:19والأرض مددنها وألقينا فيها روسى وأنبتنا فيها من كل شىء موزونوَٱلْأَرْضَ مَدَدْنَٟهَا وَأَلْقَيْنَا فِيهَا رَوَٟسِىَ وَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ مَّوْزُونٍۢ Und die Erde breiteten wir aus, warfen in sie Verankerungen und ließen in ihr von jeder ausgewogenen Sache wachsen Die Erde haben Wir ausgedehnt, darauf Berge verankert und alle Arten von Pflanzen nach genauem Maß wachsen lassen. Und die Erde haben Wir ausgebreitet, und darein feste Berge gesetzt, und Wir ließen alles auf ihr wachsen im rechten Verhältnis. As for the earth, we constructed it, and placed on it stabilizers (mountains), and we grew on it a perfect balance of everything. And the land We have stretched, and placed stabilizers in it, and We have planted in it from everything in balance. And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. And the earth -We have spread it out wide, and placed on it mountains firm, and caused [life] of every kind to grow on it in a balanced manner, And the earth have We spread out, and placed therein firm hills, and caused each seemly thing to grow therein. We have spread out the earth and set upon it firm mountains. Everything We have caused to grow therein is justly weighed; And the earth-- We have spread it forth and made in it firm mountains and caused to grow in it of every suitable thing. We have spread out and put fertilizers in the earth from outside, and set up firm mountains therein, and We have caused to grow upon it every suitable thing in due proportion.
15:20وجعلنا لكم فيها معيش ومن لستم له برزقينوَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَٟيِشَ وَمَن لَّسْتُمْ لَهُۥ بِرَٟزِقِينَ Und wir machten auf ihr für euch Unterhaltsmöglichkeiten, auch für den, dem ihr nichts versorgen könnt Und Wir haben euch auf der Erde Lebensmöglichkeiten geschaffen, auch für die, die ihr nicht zu versorgen habt. Und Wir schufen darin Mittel zu eurem Unterhalt und derer, die ihr nicht versorgt. We made it habitable for you, and for creatures you do not provide for. And We have made for you in it a habitat, and for those to whom you are not providers. And We have provided therein means of subsistence,- for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not responsible. and provided thereon means of livelihood for you [O men] as well as for all [living beings] whose sustenance does not depend on you. And We have given unto you livelihoods therein, and unto those for whom ye provide not. and there appointed for you is a livelihood, and for those you do not provide. And We have made in it means of subsistence for you and for him for whom you are not the suppliers. And We have provided in it means of livelihood for you and even for (all) others whom it is not for you to provide.
15:21وإن من شىء إلا عندنا خزائنه وما ننزله إلا بقدر معلوموَإِن مِّن شَىْءٍ إِلَّا عِندَنَا خَزَآئِنُهُۥ وَمَا نُنَزِّلُهُۥٓ إِلَّا بِقَدَرٍۢ مَّعْلُومٍۢ Und es gibt keine Sache, von der wir nicht einen Speicher bei uns haben. Und wir senden sie nicht herab, außer in einem bekannten Maß Es gibt nichts, von dem Wir nicht Schätze haben, doch Wir schicken davon nur nach bestimmtem Maß herab. Und es gibt kein Ding, von dem Wir nicht Schätze hätten; aber Wir senden es nur nach bestimmtem Maß hinab. There is nothing that we do not own infinite amounts thereof. But we send it down in precise measure. And there is not a thing, except that We have vaults of it, and We do not send it down except in a precise measure. And there is not a thing but its (sources and) treasures (inexhaustible) are with Us; but We only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures. For, no single thing exists that does not have its source with Us; And there is not a thing but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down save in appointed measure. And there is not a thing but with Us are its treasuries, and We do not send it down except in a known measure. And there is not a thing but with Us are the treasures of it, and We do not send it down but in a known measure. And there is not a thing but We have the vast treasures of it; and We do not send it down but according to a proper and prescribed measure.
15:22وأرسلنا الريح لوقح فأنزلنا من السماء ماء فأسقينكموه وما أنتم له بخزنينوَأَرْسَلْنَا ٱلرِّيَٟحَ لَوَٟقِحَ فَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءًۭ فَأَسْقَيْنَٟكُمُوهُ وَمَآ أَنتُمْ لَهُۥ بِخَٟزِنِينَ Und wir sandten die Winde als Bestäuber und ließen Wasser aus dem Himmel herabkommen, das wir euch zu trinken gaben und das ihr niemals hättet speichern können Und die Winde treiben Wir zur Befruchtung hin und verfügen, daß sie regenträchtige Wolken und Blütenstaub tragen. Auch lassen Wir Wasser herabregnen, das Wir euch zum Trinken und Bewässern geben, und ihr könnt es nicht in eurer Gewalt verwahren. Und Wir senden die befruchtenden Winde, dann senden Wir Wasser nieder von den Wolken, dann geben Wir es euch zu trinken; und ihr hättet es nicht aufspeichern können. And we send the winds as pollinators, and cause water to come down from the sky for you to drink. Otherwise, you could not keep it palatable. And We send the winds to pollinate, so We send down water from the sky, so We give to you to drink; and it is not you who are its storers. And We send the fecundating winds, then cause the rain to descend from the sky, therewith providing you with water (in abundance), though ye are not the guardians of its stores. And We let loose the winds to fertilize [plants] and We send down water from the skies and let you drink thereof: and it is not you who dispose of its source- And We send the winds fertilizing, and cause water to descend from the sky, and give it you to drink. It is not ye who are the holders of the store thereof. We send the winds fertilizing, and We send down out of heaven water, from which you drink and you are not its treasurers. And We send the winds fertilizing, then send down water from the cloud so We give it to you to drink of, nor is it you who store it up. And We send impregnating winds and pour water from the clouds and give it to you to drink. You are not the ones to store it up.
15:23وإنا لنحن نحى ونميت ونحن الورثونوَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ نُحْىِۦ وَنُمِيتُ وَنَحْنُ ٱلْوَٟرِثُونَ Und gewiss, wir sind es, die beleben und sterben lassen, und wir sind auch die Erben Wir sind es, die Wir Leben schenken und sterben lassen, und Wir werden dereinst alles erben. Wahrlich, Wir Selbst geben Leben und schicken Tod; und Wir allein sind die Erben. It is we who control life and death, and we are the ultimate inheritors. And it is indeed We who bring to life and make to die, and We are the inheritors. And verily, it is We Who give life, and Who give death: it is We Who remain inheritors (after all else passes away). for, behold, it is We-We alone -who grant life and deal death, and it is We alone who shall remain after all else will have passed away ! Lo! and it is We, even We, Who quicken and give death, and We are the Inheritor. And surely, it is We who give life and make to die. We are the Inheritor. And most surely We bring to life and cause to die and We are the heirs. And surely it is We, Ourself Who give life and cause death; and it is We Who are the (sole) survivors (after every thing perishes).
15:24ولقد علمنا المستقدمين منكم ولقد علمنا المستءخرينوَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا ٱلْمُسْتَقْدِمِينَ مِنكُمْ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْنَا ٱلْمُسْتَـْٔخِرِينَ Und wir wussten bereits über die von euch, die vorauskommen, und wir wussten über die später Kommenden Wir wissen um die, die früher und um die, die später abberufen werden. Und Wir kennen wohl jene unter euch, die voranschreiten, und Wir kennen wohl jene, die zurückbleiben. And we fully know those among you who advance, and we fully know those who regress. And We know those who have advanced among you, and We know those who have lagged. To Us are known those of you who hasten forward, and those who lag behind. And well do We know [the hearts and deeds of all human beings - both] those who lived before you and those who will come after you; And verily We know the eager among you and verily We know the laggards. We know those of you who press forward, and We know the laggards, And certainly We know those of you who have gone before and We certainly know those who shall come later. And indeed We know those among you who are the foremost in accepting the truth, and We indeed know those who are the laggards.
15:25وإن ربك هو يحشرهم إنه حكيم عليموَإِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ حَكِيمٌ عَلِيمٌۭ Und gewiss, dein Herr ist es, der sie zusammentreibt. Gewiss, er ist weise, wissend Dein Herr wird sie am Jüngsten Tag versammeln. Seine Weisheit und Sein Wissen sind unermeßlich. Wahrlich, es ist dein Herr, Der sie versammeln wird. Siehe, Er ist allweise, allwissend. Your Lord will surely summon them. He is Most Wise, Omniscient. And it is your Lord who will gather them. He is Wise, Knowledgeable. Assuredly it is thy Lord Who will gather them together: for He is perfect in Wisdom and Knowledge. and, behold, it is thy Sustainer who will gather them all together [on Judgment Day]: verily, He is wise, all-knowing! Lo! thy Lord will gather them together. Lo! He is Wise, Aware. and it is your Lord who will gather them. He is Wise, Knowing. And surely your Lord will gather them together; surely He is Wise, Knowing. And certainly it is your Lord Who will gather them together; verily, He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.
15:26ولقد خلقنا الإنسن من صلصل من حمإ مسنونوَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَٟنَ مِن صَلْصَٟلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ Und wir erschufen den Menschen aus Ton, welcher normgerechte schwarze Masse aufweist Wir haben den Menschen aus trockenem Lehm und feuchtem Schlamm geschaffen. Wahrlich, Wir haben den Menschen aus trockenem, tönendem Lehm erschaffen, aus schwarzem, zu Gestalt gebildetem Schlamm. We created the human being from aged mud, like the potter´s clay. And We have created man from a sludge from hot sediment. We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; AND, INDEED, We have created man out of sounding clay, out of dark-slime transmuted Verily We created man of potter´s clay of black mud altered, We created mankind from clay, molded from mud, And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape. Surely, We created human being from dry ringing clay, (transformed) from black mud moulded into shape.
15:27والجان خلقنه من قبل من نار السموموَٱلْجَآنَّ خَلَقْنَٟهُ مِن قَبْلُ مِن نَّارِ ٱلسَّمُومِ Und den Dschinn erschufen wir vorher aus dem Feuer der Gifte Und die Dschinn schufen Wir vorher aus glühendem, durchdringendem Feuer. Und die Dschinn erschufen Wir zuvor aus dem Feuer des heißen Windes. As for the jinns, we created them, before that, from blazing fire. And the Jinn, We created him before that from the fire of the fierce hot winds. And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind. whereas the invisible beings We had created, [long] before that, out of the fire of scorching winds. And the jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire. and before him We created the jinn from smokeless fire. And the jinn We created before, of intensely hot fire. And We created the jinn before (him) from the fire of intensely hot wind.
15:28وإذ قال ربك للملئكة إنى خلق بشرا من صلصل من حمإ مسنونوَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَٟٓئِكَةِ إِنِّى خَٟلِقٌۢ بَشَرًۭا مِّن صَلْصَٟلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ Und als dein Herr zu den Engeln sagte: Ich erschaffe einen Menschen aus Ton, welcher normgerechte schwarze Masse aufweist Einst sagte Dein Herr zu den Engeln: "Ich schaffe einen Menschen aus trockenem Lehm und feuchtem Schlamm. Und (gedenke der Zeit) da dein Herr zu den Engeln sprach: «Ich bin im Begriffe, den Menschen aus trockenem, tönendem Lehm zu erschaffen, aus schwarzem, zu Gestalt gebildetem Schlamm; Your Lord said to the angels, "I am creating a human being from aged mud, like the potter´s clay. And your Lord said to the angels: 'I am creating a human being from a sludge from hot sediment.' Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape; And lo! Thy Sustainer said unto the angels: "Behold, I am about to create mortal man out of sounding clay, out of dark slime transmuted; And (remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter´s clay of black mud altered. When your Lord said to the angels: ´See, I am creating a mortal from clay of molded mud. And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. And (recall the time) when your Lord said to the angels, `I am, indeed, going to create a human being from dry ringing clay (formed) from black mud, moulded into shape.
15:29فإذا سويته ونفخت فيه من روحى فقعوا له سجدينفَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُۥ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِى فَقَعُوا۟ لَهُۥ سَٟجِدِينَ Wenn ich ihn also geformt und ihm aus meinem Geist eingeblasen habe, dann fallt unterwürfig ihm gegenüber Wenn Ich ihn geformt und ihm von Meinem Geist eingehaucht habe, sollt ihr euch vor ihm niederwerfen. Wenn Ich ihn nun vollkommen geformt und ihm von Meinem Geiste eingehaucht habe, dann fallet mit ihm dienend nieder.» "Once I perfect him, and blow into him from My spirit, you shall fall prostrate before him." 'So when I evolve him, and blow from My Spirit in him, you shall yield to him.' "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him." and when I have formed him fully and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down before him in prostration! So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him. When I have shaped him and ran My created soul in him fall down prostrating towards him´. So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. `So when I have shaped him in perfection and have breathed My revelation into him, fall you down in submission to him.´
15:30فسجد الملئكة كلهم أجمعونفَسَجَدَ ٱلْمَلَٟٓئِكَةُ كُلُّهُمْ أَجْمَعُونَ Da unterwarfen sich die Engel alle, insgesamt Alle Engel warfen sich vor ihm nieder, Da fielen die Engel alle zusammen nieder. The angels fell prostrate; all of them, Thus, all of the angels yielded. So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together: Thereupon the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together, So the angels fell prostrate, all of them together All the angels prostrated themselves, So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, And (when He created the human being,) the angels submitted, all of them together.
15:31إلا إبليس أبى أن يكون مع السجدينإِلَّآ إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونَ مَعَ ٱلسَّٟجِدِينَ Außer Iblis, der ablehnte, unter den Unterwerfenden zu sein ausgenommen Iblîs (Satan), der sich weigerte, unter den Engeln zu sein, die sich niederwarfen. Nicht also Iblis; er weigerte sich, unter den Niederfallenden zu sein. except Iblis (Satan). He refused to be with the prostrators. Except for Satan, he refused to be of those who yielded. Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves. save Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves. Save Iblis. He refused to be among the prostrate. except iblis (father of the jinn) who refused to be one of those who prostrated themselves. But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance. But Iblîs (though he was separately bidden to do the same, did not). He stubbornly refused to be with those who submit.
15:32قال يإبليس ما لك ألا تكون مع السجدينقَالَ يَٟٓإِبْلِيسُ مَا لَكَ أَلَّا تَكُونَ مَعَ ٱلسَّٟجِدِينَ Er sagte: Iblis, was ist mit dir, dass du nicht unter den Unterwerfenden bist? Gott sprach: "Warum bist du nicht unter denen gewesen, die sich niederwarfen?" (Gott) sprach: «O Iblis, was ist dir, daß du nicht unter den Niederfallenden sein wolltest?» He said, "O Iblis (Satan), why are you not with the prostrators?" He said: 'O Satan, what is the matter that you are not of those who yielded?' (Allah) said: "O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?" Said He: "O Iblis! What is thy reason for not being among those who have prostrated themselves?" He said: O Iblis! What aileth thee that thou art not among the prostrate? He said: ´iblis, what is the matter with you, that you do you not prostrate yourself?´ He said: O Iblis! what excuse have you that you are not with those who make obeisance? (Lord) said, `Iblîs! what is (the reason) with you that you would not be with those who submit?´
15:33قال لم أكن لأسجد لبشر خلقته من صلصل من حمإ مسنونقَالَ لَمْ أَكُن لِأَسْجُدَ لِبَشَرٍ خَلَقْتَهُۥ مِن صَلْصَٟلٍۢ مِّنْ حَمَإٍۢ مَّسْنُونٍۢ Er sagte: Ich pflegte nicht, mich einem Menschen zu Unterwerfen, den du aus Ton erschufst, welcher normgerechte schwarze Masse aufweist Er sprach: "Es ziemt mir nicht, mich vor einem Menschen niederzuwerfen, den Du aus trockenem Lehm und feuchtem Schlamm erschaffen hast." Er antwortete: «Nimmermehr werde ich niederfallen auf die Art eines Menschenwesens, das Du aus trockenem, tönendem Lehm erschaffen hast, aus schwarzem, zu Gestalt gebildetem Schlamm.» He said, "I am not to prostrate before a human being, whom You created from aged mud, like the potter´s clay." He said: 'I am not to yield to a human being whom You have created from a sludge from hot sediment.' (Iblis) said: "I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape." [Iblis] replied: "It is not for me to prostrate myself before mortal man whom Thou hast created out of sounding clay, out of dark slime transmuted!" He said: Why should I prostrate myself unto a mortal whom Thou hast created out of potter´s clay of black mud altered? He replied: ´I will not prostrate to a mortal You have created of clay, from molded mud.´ He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape. He replied, `I would never submit to a human being whom You have created from dry ringing clay (formed) from black mud, moulded into shape.´
15:34قال فاخرج منها فإنك رجيمقَالَ فَٱخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَجِيمٌۭ Er sagte: Dann geh aus ihm hinaus! Denn du bist verstoßen Gott sprach: "Tritt aus meiner Gnade heraus, du bist es wert, gesteinigt zu werden! (Gott) sprach: «Hinaus denn von hier, denn wahrlich, du bist verworfen. He said, "Therefore, you must get out; you are banished. He said: 'Exit from here, you are cast out.' (Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed. Said He: "Go forth, then, from this [angelic state]: for, behold, thou art [henceforth] accursed, He said: Then go thou forth from hence, for verily thou art outcast. (Allah) said: ´Begone, you are accursed! He said: Then get out of it, for surely you are driven away: (Lord) said, `(If it is so) then get out from this (state), for, surely, you are rejected.
15:35وإن عليك اللعنة إلى يوم الدينوَإِنَّ عَلَيْكَ ٱللَّعْنَةَ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ Und gewiss, über dich ist der Fluch bis zum Tag der Lebensordnung Auf dir soll der Fluch bis zum Jüngsten Tag lasten!" Fluch soll auf dir sein bis zum Tag des Gerichts.» "You have incurred My condemnation until the Day of Judgment." 'And a curse shall be upon you until the Day of Judgment.' "And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment." and [My] rejection shall be thy due until the Day of Judgment!" And lo! the curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgment. A curse shall be on you till the Day of Recompense.´ And surely on you is curse until the day of judgment. `And of course (My) disapproval shall be on you till the Day of Requital.´
15:36قال رب فأنظرنى إلى يوم يبعثونقَالَ رَبِّ فَأَنظِرْنِىٓ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ Er sagte: Herr, dann gewähre mir Aufschub bis zum Tag, an dem sie zurückgeschickt werden Da sagte er: "Gott, gewähre mir eine Frist bis zum Tag der Auferstehung!" Er sprach: «Mein Herr, so gewähre mir Aufschub bis zum Tage, an dem sie auferweckt werden.» He said, "My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected." He said: 'My Lord, respite me until the Day they are resurrected.' (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised." Said [Iblis]: "Then, O my Sustainer, grant me a respite till the Day when all shall be raised from the dead!" He said: My Lord! Reprieve me till the day when they are raised. He said: ´My Lord, reprieve me till the Day they are raised.´ He said: My Lord! then respite me till the time when they are raised. He said, `My Lord, then grant me respite till the day when these (human beings) shall be raised (to spiritual life).´
15:37قال فإنك من المنظرينقَالَ فَإِنَّكَ مِنَ ٱلْمُنظَرِينَ Er sagte: Du bist nun unter denen, denen Aufschub gewährt wird Gott sprach: "Dir wird Aufschub gewährt (Gott) sprach: «Du bist unter denen, die Aufschub erlangen, He said, "You are respited. He said: 'You are given respite.' (Allah) said: "Respite is granted thee Answered He: "Verily, so be it: thou shalt be among those who are granted respite He said: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved He answered: ´You are among those reprieved He said: So surely you are of the respited ones (Lord) said, `You are indeed of those already granted respite,
15:38إلى يوم الوقت المعلومإِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلْوَقْتِ ٱلْمَعْلُومِ Bis zum Tag der bekannten Zeit bis zu dem bestimmten Tag." Bis zum Tage der bestimmten Zeit.» "Until the specified day and time." 'Until the Day of the time appointed.' "Till the Day of the Time appointed." till the Day the time whereof is known [to Me alone]." Till an appointed time. till the appointed time. Till the period of the time made known. `Till the day of which the time is known (to Me).´
15:39قال رب بما أغويتنى لأزينن لهم فى الأرض ولأغوينهم أجمعينقَالَ رَبِّ بِمَآ أَغْوَيْتَنِى لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ Er sagte: Mein Herr, ich werde das, womit du mich verführt hast, für sie auf der Erde schmücken und sie allesamt verführen Da sagte er: "Gott, da Du mich der Verführung ausgesetzt hast, werde ich den Menschen auf Erden das Böse schön erscheinen lassen und sie alle verführen, Er antwortete: «Mein Herr, da Du mich als verloren erklärt hast, will ich ihnen wahrlich (das Böse) auf Erden herausschmücken, und wahrlich, ich will sie alle irreleiten, He said, "My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray. He said: 'My Lord, for that by which You have caused me to be misled, I will beautify for them what is on the earth, and I will mislead them all.' (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,- [Whereupon Iblis] said: "O my Sustainer! Since Thou hast thwarted me, I shall indeed make [all that is evil] on earth seem goodly to them, and shall most certainly beguile them-into grievous error - He said: My Lord, Because Thou has sent me astray, I verily shall adorn the path of error for them in the earth, and shall mislead them every one. (satan) said: ´My Lord, for Your perverting me, I shall make (matters) in the earth seem most fair to them and I shall pervert all, He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to deviate He said, `My Lord! since You have condemned me as astray (and erring), I will surely make (evil of straying from the straight path) fair-seeming to them (as long as they stay) on the earth; I shall seduce them all,
15:40إلا عبادك منهم المخلصينإِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ ٱلْمُخْلَصِينَ Außer deinen treuen Dienern unter ihnen deine aufrichtigen Diener ausgenommen." Bis auf Deine erwählten Diener unter ihnen.» "Except those among Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone." 'Except Your servants from among them, the devoted ones.' "Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)." [all] save such of them as are truly Thy servants!" Save such of them as are Thy perfectly devoted slaves. except the devoted amongst Your worshippers. Except Thy servants from among them, the devoted ones. `Except your (sincere) servants from among them; (Your) chosen and purified ones, (whom I shall not be able to seduce).´
15:41قال هذا صرط على مستقيمقَالَ هَٟذَا صِرَٟطٌ عَلَىَّ مُسْتَقِيمٌ Er sagte: Das ist ein Pfad, der mir als gerade obliegt Gott sprach: "Der Weg, den sie gehen, ist der gerade Weg, den Ich nicht übertreten kann. (Gott) sprach: «Dies ist ein gerader Weg zu Mir. He said, "This is a law that is inviolable. He said: 'This shall be a straight path to Me.' (Allah) said: "This (way of My sincere servants) is indeed a way that leads straight to Me. Said He: "This is, with Me. a straight way: He said: This is a right course incumbent upon Me: He (Allah) said: ´This is for Me the Right Path He said: This is a right way with Me: (Lord) said, `The path (that My sincere servants follow) leads straight to Me.
15:42إن عبادى ليس لك عليهم سلطن إلا من اتبعك من الغاوينإِنَّ عِبَادِى لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَٟنٌ إِلَّا مَنِ ٱتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ ٱلْغَاوِينَ Gewiss, über meine Diener hast du keine Ermächtigung, außer den Verführten, die dir folgten Über Meine aufrichtigen Diener hast du keine Macht, außer über die Verführten, die dir folgen." Fürwahr, du sollst keine Macht haben über Meine Diener, bis auf jene der Verführten, die dir folgen.» "You have no power over My servants. You only have power over the strayers who follow you. 'For My servants, you shall have no authority over them, except those who are misled and follow you.' "For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee." verily, thou shalt have no power over My creatures- unless it be such as are [already] lost in grievous error and follow thee [of their own will]: Lo! as for My slaves, thou hast no power over any of them save such of the froward as follow thee, over My worshipers you have no authority, except the perverse that follow you. Surely. as regards My servants, you have no authority ,over them except those who follow you of the deviators. `As for My servants, you have no authority over them. Different, however, is the case of such of the deviators who (choose to) follow you.
15:43وإن جهنم لموعدهم أجمعينوَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ لَمَوْعِدُهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ Und die Hölle ist bestimmt der Treffpunkt all derer Die Hölle ist der Treffpunkt für sie alle. Und die Hölle ist wahrlich ihnen allen der verheißene Ort. "And Hell awaits them all. 'And that Hell shall be their appointment, all of them.' And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all! and for all such, behold, hell is the promised goal. And lo! for all such, hell will be the promised place. Gehenna (Hell) will be the promise for all of them. And surely Hell is the promised place of them all: `And, of course, Gehenna is the promised place for such of them all.
15:44لها سبعة أبوب لكل باب منهم جزء مقسوملَهَا سَبْعَةُ أَبْوَٟبٍۢ لِّكُلِّ بَابٍۢ مِّنْهُمْ جُزْءٌۭ مَّقْسُومٌ Für sie gibt es sieben Tore. Jedem Tor ist ein Teil von ihnen zugewiesen Sie hat sieben Tore; jedem Tor ist eine bestimmte Schar zugeteilt. Sieben Tore hat sie, und jedem Tor ist ihrer ein Teil zugewiesen. "It will have seven gates. Each gate will get a specific share of them." 'It has seven gates, for every gate will be an assigned segment from them.' To it are seven gates: for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned. with seven gates leading into it, each gate receiving its allotted share of sinners. - It hath seven gates, and each gate hath an appointed portion. It has seven gates, and through each gate a portion of them belong. It has seven gates; for every gate there shall be a separate party of them. `It has seven gates. Each gate shall have an assigned portion of them (who have gone astray).
15:45إن المتقين فى جنت وعيونإِنَّ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ فِى جَنَّٟتٍۢ وَعُيُونٍ Die Achtsamen sind gewiss in Gärten und an Quellen Die Frommen aber kommen im Jenseits in herrliche Gärten mit Quellen. Die Rechtschaffenen werden mitten in Gärten und Quellen sein. As for the righteous, they will enjoy gardens and springs. The righteous will be in gardens and springs. The righteous (will be) amid gardens and fountains (of clear-flowing water). VERILY, those who are conscious of God [shall find themselves in the hereafter] amidst gardens and springs, Lo! those who ward off (evil) are among gardens and watersprings. But the cautious shall live amongst gardens and fountains: Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in the midst of gardens and fountains: `Surely, those who guard against evil and are dutiful (to Me and mankind) shall live amidst gardens and fountains.
15:46ادخلوها بسلم ءامنينٱدْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَٟمٍ ءَامِنِينَ Tretet ein in Frieden und Sicherheit "Tretet ein in Frieden und Sicherheit!" «Tretet darein in Frieden, geborgen.» Enter therein, peaceful and secure. 'Enter it in peace and security.' (Their greeting will be): "Enter ye here in peace and security." [having been received with the greeting,] "Enter here in peace, secure!" (And it is said unto them): Enter them in peace, secure. ´In peace and security, enter them!´ Enter them in peace, secure. `(It will be said to them,) "Enter therein (to live) in peace (and be) secure".´
15:47ونزعنا ما فى صدورهم من غل إخونا على سرر متقبلينوَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِى صُدُورِهِم مِّنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَٟنًا عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍۢ مُّتَقَٟبِلِينَ Und wir nahmen die Klemmen heraus, die sie in ihren Brüsten haben. Geschwister sitzen sie auf Sesseln, einander gegenüber Und Wir werden ihre Herzen von jeglichem Neid befreien und sie sich wie Brüder auf Lagern einander gegenüber setzen lassen. Und Wir wollen hinwegnehmen, was an Groll in ihrer Brust sein mag; wie Brüder sitzend auf erhöhten Sitzen, einander gegen über. We remove all jealousy from their hearts. Like one family, they will be on adjacent furnishings. And We removed what animosity was in their chests, they are brothers in quarters facing one another. And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity). And [by then] We shall have removed whatever unworthy thoughts or feelings may have been [lingering] in their breasts, [and they shall rest] as brethren, facing one another [in love] upon thrones of happiness. And We remove whatever rancor may be in their breasts. As brethren, face to face, (they rest) on couches raised. We shall remove all rancor from their hearts, and as brethren they shall recline on couches face to face. And We will root out whatever of rancor is in their breasts-- (they shall be) as brethren, on raised couches, face to face. And We shall remove every vestige of rancour that may be in their hearts. They will be like brothers (seated cheerfully) on raised couches (of happiness), face to face.
15:48لا يمسهم فيها نصب وما هم منها بمخرجينلَا يَمَسُّهُمْ فِيهَا نَصَبٌۭ وَمَا هُم مِّنْهَا بِمُخْرَجِينَ Keine Mühsal erfasst sie darin, und sie werden daraus niemals vertrieben Sie werden von Müdigkeit nichts spüren, und sie werden von dort niemals vertrieben werden. Müdigkeit soll sie darin nicht berühren, noch sollen sie je von dort vertrieben werden, Never will they suffer any fatigue therein; never will they be evicted therefrom. No fatigue shall touch them, nor will they be evicted from it. There no sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave. No weariness shall ever touch them in this [state of bliss], and never shall they have to forgo it. Toil cometh not unto them there, nor will they be expelled from thence. There, no fatigue shall smite them, nor shall they ever be driven from it.´ Toil shall not afflict them in it, nor shall they be ever ejected from it. They shall suffer no fatigue, nor shall they ever be ejected from there.
15:49نبئ عبادى أنى أنا الغفور الرحيمنَبِّئْ عِبَادِىٓ أَنِّىٓ أَنَا ٱلْغَفُورُ ٱلرَّحِيمُ Berichte meinen Dienern, dass ich es bin, der der Vergebende, der Gnädige ist Verkünde Meinen Dienern, daß Ich der Allvergebende und der Allbarmherzige bin, Verkünde Meinen Dienern, daß Ich fürwahr der Allverzeihende, der Barmherzige bin, Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, Most Merciful. Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, the Merciful. Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful; Tell My servants that I - I alone - am truly forgiving, a true dispenser of grace; Announce, (O Muhammad) unto My slaves that verily I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. Tell My worshipers that I am the Forgiving, the Most Merciful, Inform My servants that I am the Forgiving, the Merciful, (O Prophet!) give My servants the important news that I - I alone - am most certainly the One Great Protector, the Ever Merciful.
15:50وأن عذابى هو العذاب الأليموَأَنَّ عَذَابِى هُوَ ٱلْعَذَابُ ٱلْأَلِيمُ Und dass meine Qual die schmerzhafte Qual ist und daß Meine Strafe eine äußerst qualvolle Strafe ist. Und daß Meine Strafe die schmerzliche Strafe ist. And that My retribution is the most painful retribution. And that My punishment is a painful retribution. And that My Penalty will be indeed the most grievous Penalty. and [also,] that the suffering which I shall impose [on sinners] will indeed be a suffering most grievous. And that My doom is the dolorous doom. and that My punishment is the painful chastisement. And that My punishment-- that is the painful punishment. And (also tell them) that My punishment is a very grievous one.
15:51ونبئهم عن ضيف إبرهيموَنَبِّئْهُمْ عَن ضَيْفِ إِبْرَٟهِيمَ Und berichte ihnen von den Gästen Abrahams Berichte ihnen über Abrahams Gäste, Und verkünde ihnen von den Gästen Abrahams. Inform them about Abraham´s guests. And inform them of the guests of Abraham. Tell them about the guests of Abraham. AND TELL THEM [once again] about Abraham´s guests - And tell them of Abraham´s guests, Tell them of Abraham´s guests. And inform them of the guests of Ibrahim: And (also) give them the important news about Abraham´s guests.
15:52إذ دخلوا عليه فقالوا سلما قال إنا منكم وجلونإِذْ دَخَلُوا۟ عَلَيْهِ فَقَالُوا۟ سَلَٟمًۭا قَالَ إِنَّا مِنكُمْ وَجِلُونَ Als sie bei ihm eintraten, sagten sie: Frieden! Er sagte: Wir fürchten uns doch vor euch wie sie zu ihm eintraten und sagten: "Friede!" Er aber sagte darauf: "Wir fürchten uns vor euch!" Da sie bei ihm eintraten und sprachen: «Frieden», antwortete er: «Wir fürchten uns vor euch.» When they entered his quarters, they said, "Peace." He said, "We are apprehensive about you." When they entered upon him, they said: 'Peace.' He said: 'We are worrisome of you.' When they entered his presence and said, "Peace!" He said, "We feel afraid of you!" [how,] when they presented themselves before him and bade him peace, he answered: "Behold, we are afraid of you!" (How) when they came in unto him, and said: Peace. He said: Lo! we are afraid of you. They entered to him and said: ´Peace,´ but he replied: ´We are afraid of you.´ When they entered upon him, they said, Peace. He said: Surely we are afraid of you. When they entered upon him and greeted him saying, `Peace (be upon you)´ he answered, `We feel afraid of you.´
15:53قالوا لا توجل إنا نبشرك بغلم عليمقَالُوا۟ لَا تَوْجَلْ إِنَّا نُبَشِّرُكَ بِغُلَٟمٍ عَلِيمٍۢ Sie sagten: Hab keine Furcht! Wir verkünden dir einen wissenden Knaben Da sprachen sie: "Fürchte dich nicht! Wir bringen dir die frohe Botschaft, daß du einen Sohn haben wirst, der über großes Wissen verfügen wird." Sie sprachen: «Fürchte dich nicht, wir bringen dir frohe Kunde von einem Sohn, mit Wissen begabt.» They said, "Do not be apprehensive. We have good news for you: an enlightened son." They said: 'Do not worry, we bring you good news of a knowledgeable son.' They said: "Fear not! We give thee glad tidings of a son endowed with wisdom." Said they: "Fear not! Behold, we bring thee the glad tiding of [the birth of] a son who will be endowed with deep knowledge." They said: Be not afraid! Lo! we bring thee good tidings of a boy possessing wisdom. ´Do not be afraid,´ they answered. ´We come to give you glad tidings of a knowledgeable child.� They said: Be not afraid, surely we give you the good news of a boy, possessing knowledge. They said, `Have no fear, we give you good tidings of (the birth of) a son endowed with knowledge.´
15:54قال أبشرتمونى على أن مسنى الكبر فبم تبشرونقَالَ أَبَشَّرْتُمُونِى عَلَىٰٓ أَن مَّسَّنِىَ ٱلْكِبَرُ فَبِمَ تُبَشِّرُونَ Er sagte: Ihr verkündet es mir, nachdem ich vom Alter erfasst wurde. Was verkündet ih denn? Er erwiderte: "Wie könnt ihr mir diese frohe Botschaft bringen, da ich ein hohes Alter erreicht habe?" Er sprach: «Bringt ihr mir die frohe Kunde ungeachtet dessen, daß mich das Alter ereilt hat? Warum denn bringt ihr mir also die frohe Kunde?» He said, "How can you give me such good news, when I am so old? Do you still give me this good news?" He said: 'What good news can you bring me when old age has come upon me? Is that your good news?' He said: "Do ye give me glad tidings that old age has seized me? Of what, then, is your good news?" Said he: "Do you give me this glad tiding despite the fact that old age has overtaken me? Of what [strange thing], then, are you giving me a tiding!" He said: Bring ye me good tidings (of a son) when old age hath overtaken me? Of what then can ye bring good tidings? He said: ´What is this, do you bring me glad tidings even though I am old?´ Of what do you give me glad tidings?´ He said: Do you give me good news (of a son) when old age has come upon me?-- Of what then do you give me good news! He (-Abraham) said, `Do you give me the good tidings inspite of the fact that old age has come upon me. So on what (basis) are you giving (me this) good tidings.´
15:55قالوا بشرنك بالحق فلا تكن من القنطينقَالُوا۟ بَشَّرْنَٟكَ بِٱلْحَقِّ فَلَا تَكُن مِّنَ ٱلْقَٟنِطِينَ Sie sagten: Wir verkündeten dir die Wahrheit. Sei also nicht einer der Entmutigten Da sprachen sie: "Wir haben dir die wahre frohe Botschaft gebracht. Reihe dich nicht unter die Menschen, die die Hoffnung auf Gottes Barmherzigkeit verlieren!" Sie sprachen: «Wir haben dir die frohe Kunde mit der Wahrheit gebracht; sei darum nicht einer der Verzweifelnden.» They said, "The good news we give you is true; do not despair." They said: 'We have brought you good news with the truth, so do not be of those in denial.' They said: "We give thee glad tidings in truth: be not then in despair!" They answered: "We have given thee the glad tiding of something that is bound to come true. - so be not of those who abandon hope!" They said: We bring thee good tidings in truth. So be not thou of the despairing. They replied: ´In truth we have given you glad tidings, do not be one of those who despair.´ They said: We give you good news with truth, therefore be not of the despairing. They said, `We give you good tidings on the basis of (the revelation of) truth; therefore do not be of the despairing ones (of the mercy of Allâh).´
15:56قال ومن يقنط من رحمة ربه إلا الضالونقَالَ وَمَن يَقْنَطُ مِن رَّحْمَةِ رَبِّهِۦٓ إِلَّا ٱلضَّآلُّونَ Er sagte: Und wer lässt sich von der Barmherzigkeit seines Herrn entmutigen, außer den Irrenden? Er sprach: "Nur die Verirrten verlieren die Hoffnung auf Gottes Barmherzigkeit." Er sprach: «Und wer könnte verzweifeln an der Barmherzigkeit seines Herrn, wenn nicht die Verirrten?» He said, "None despairs of his Lord´s mercy, except the strayers." He said: 'And who would deny the mercy of his Lord except the misguided ones!' He said: "And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, but such as go astray?" [Abraham] exclaimed: "And who-other than those who have utterly lost their way-could ever abandon the hope of his Sustainer´s grace?" He said: And who despaireth of the mercy of his Lord save those who are astray? He replied: ´And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, except those that are astray? He said: And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord but the erring ones? He said, `And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, but the erring ones?´
15:57قال فما خطبكم أيها المرسلونقَالَ فَمَا خَطْبُكُمْ أَيُّهَا ٱلْمُرْسَلُونَ Er sagte: Was ist dann euer Anliegen, ihr Gesandten? Dann sagte er: "Was habt ihr sonst vor, ihr Gesandten?" Er sprach: «Was ist euer Auftrag, ihr Boten?» He said, "What is your mission, O messengers?" He said: 'What then is your affair, O messengers?' Abraham said: "What then is the business on which ye (have come), O ye messengers (of Allah)?" He added: "And what [else] may you have in view, O you [heavenly] messengers?" He said: And afterward what is your business, O ye messengers (of Allah)? He asked: ´Messengers, what is your errand?´ He said: What is your business then, O messengers? He added, `O you messengers! what is your real business then?´
15:58قالوا إنا أرسلنا إلى قوم مجرمينقَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّآ أُرْسِلْنَآ إِلَىٰ قَوْمٍۢ مُّجْرِمِينَ Sie sagten: Wir sind zu einem verbrecherischen Volk entsandt worden Sie sagten: "Wir sind zu einem frevelhaften Volk entsandt worden, das wir vernichten werden, Sie sprachen: «Wir sind entsandt zu einem schuldigen Volk, They said, "We are being dispatched to guilty people. They said: 'We have been sent to a people who are criminals.' They said: "We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin, They answered: "We are sent to people lost in sin [who are to be destroyed], They said: We have been sent unto a guilty folk. They replied: ´We are sent to sinful nation. They said: Surely we are sent towards a guilty people, They said, `We have been sent to (destroy) a guilty people.
15:59إلا ءال لوط إنا لمنجوهم أجمعينإِلَّآ ءَالَ لُوطٍ إِنَّا لَمُنَجُّوهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ Ausgenommen die Sippe Lots, die wir ja alle retten werden ausgenommen Lots Angehörige, die wir alle retten werden, Die Anhänger des Lot ausgenommen. Sie alle sollen wir erretten, "As for Lot´s family, we will save them all. 'Except for the family of Lot, we will save them all.' "Excepting the adherents of Lut: them we are certainly (charged) to save (from harm),- All - barring Lot´s household, all of whom, behold, we shall save - (All) save the family of Lot. Them we shall deliver everyone, Except Lot´s family, of whom we shall save all, Except Lut´s followers: We will most surely deliver them all, `Excepting the followers of Lot (because they are not guilty). We shall invariably deliver them all.
15:60إلا امرأته قدرنا إنها لمن الغبرينإِلَّا ٱمْرَأَتَهُۥ قَدَّرْنَآ ۙ إِنَّهَا لَمِنَ ٱلْغَٟبِرِينَ Außer seiner Frau. Wir haben bestimmt, dass sie zu den Vergänglichen gehört nur Lots Frau nicht, die wir zu denen zählen, die untergehen werden." Bis auf sein Weib. Wir vermuten, daß sie unter denen sein soll, die zurückbleiben.» "But not his wife; she is destined to be with the doomed." 'Except for his wife, we have evaluated that she will be with those destroyed.' "Except his wife, who, We have ascertained, will be among those who will lag behind." excepting only his wife, [of whom God says,] `We have ordained [that], behold, she should be among those who stay behind!´ Except his wife, of whom We had decreed that she should be of those who stay behind. but his wife. We decreed that she should be amongst those who remain behind. Except his wife; We ordained that she shall surely be of those who remain behind. `Excepting his wife, (of whom God says,) "We have decided that she (will not accompany those ordained to be delivered but) shall be really of those staying behind".´
15:61فلما جاء ءال لوط المرسلونفَلَمَّا جَآءَ ءَالَ لُوطٍ ٱلْمُرْسَلُونَ Als dann die Entsandten zu der Sippe Lots kamen Als die Gesandten zu Lot kamen, Als die Boten zu den Anhängern des Lot kamen, The messengers went to Lot´s town. So when the messengers came to the family of Lot. At length when the messengers arrived among the adherents of Lut, AND WHEN the messengers [of God] came to the house of Lot, And when the messengers came unto the family of Lot, And when the envoys came to the family of Lot, So when the messengers came to Lut´s followers, When the messengers came to Lot (and his) followers,
15:62قال إنكم قوم منكرونقَالَ إِنَّكُمْ قَوْمٌۭ مُّنكَرُونَ Sagte er: Ihr seid gewiss ein unbekanntes Volk sagte er: "Ihr seid verdächtige Leute." Da sprach er: «Fürwahr, ihr seid fremde Leute.» He said, "You are unknown people." He said: 'You are an unknown people.' He said: "Ye appear to be uncommon folk." he said: "Behold, you are people unknown [here] !" He said: Lo! ye are folk unknown (to me). he said to them: ´I do not know you.´ He said: Surely you are an unknown people. (Lot) said, `Surely, you are an unknown people, I apprehend evil from you (because of your coming).´
15:63قالوا بل جئنك بما كانوا فيه يمترونقَالُوا۟ بَلْ جِئْنَٟكَ بِمَا كَانُوا۟ فِيهِ يَمْتَرُونَ Sie sagten: Wir brachten dir doch das, was sie zu bezweifeln pflegten Darauf sagten sie: "Nein, wir bringen dir vielmehr die Meldung über die Strafe, die sie für eine Lüge hielten. Sie sprachen: «Nein, aber wir sind zu dir gekommen mit dem, woran sie zweifelten. They said, "We bring to you what they have been doubting. They said: 'Alas, we have come to you with that which they are doubting.' They said: "Yea, we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt. They answered: "Nay, but we have come unto thee with [the announcement of] something that they [who are given to evil] have always been wont to call in question, They said: Nay, but we bring thee that concerning which they keep disputing, ´No,´ they replied: ´We bring you (news) of that concerning which they were doubting. They said: Nay, we have come to you with that about which they disputed. They said, `(You need no apprehensions.) But we have come to you with (the news of) that (punishment) about (the truth of) which they doubted.
15:64وأتينك بالحق وإنا لصدقونوَأَتَيْنَٟكَ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَإِنَّا لَصَٟدِقُونَ Und wir kamen zu dir mit der Wahrheit, wobei wir gewiss ehrlich sind Wir bringen dir die wahre Gerechtigkeit, und wir sagen nur die Wahrheit. Und wir sind zu dir gekommen mit der Wahrheit, und gewiß, wir sind wahrhaftig. "We bring to you the truth; we are truthful. 'And we have come to you with the truth, and we are forthcoming.' "We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due, and assuredly we tell the truth. and we are bringing thee the certainty [of its fulfilment] : for, behold, we are speaking the truth indeed. And bring thee the Truth, and lo! we are truth tellers. We bring you the truth, and indeed we are truthful. And we have come to you with the truth, and we are most surely truthful. `And we have come to you with sure news and most certainly we are truthful;
15:65فأسر بأهلك بقطع من اليل واتبع أدبرهم ولا يلتفت منكم أحد وامضوا حيث تؤمرونفَأَسْرِ بِأَهْلِكَ بِقِطْعٍۢ مِّنَ ٱلَّيْلِ وَٱتَّبِعْ أَدْبَٟرَهُمْ وَلَا يَلْتَفِتْ مِنكُمْ أَحَدٌۭ وَٱمْضُوا۟ حَيْثُ تُؤْمَرُونَ So schleiche dich mit deinen Leuten mitten in der Nacht davon, folge ihrer Rückseite und keiner von euch soll sich umdrehen. Zieht weiter, wohin ihr befohlen wurdet Gehe mit deinen Familienangehörigen hinaus, wenn die Nacht vorangeschritten ist, und gehe du hinter ihnen her! Keiner von euch darf sich umschauen. Geht dorthin, wohin euch befohlen worden ist!" So mache dich fort mit deinen Angehörigen im (späteren) Teil der Nacht und ziehe hinter ihnen her. Und keiner von euch soll sich umwenden, sondern gehet, wohin euch geboten wird.» "You shall take your family during the night. Stay behind them, and make sure that none of you looks back. Go straight as commanded." 'So let your family leave during the late hours of the night, and you follow just behind them, and do not let any of you look back, and go to where you are commanded.' "Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered." Go, then., with thy household while it is yet night, with thyself following them in the rear; and let none of you look back, but proceed whither you are bidden." So travel with thy household in a portion of the night, and follow thou their backs. Let none of you turn round, but go whither ye are commanded. Depart with your family in a part of the night and walk behind them and let none of you turn round. Go to a place where you are commanded.´ Therefore go forth with your followers in a part of the night and yourself follow their rear, and let not any one of you turn round, and go forth whither you are commanded. `So set forth (from here) with your people in the (latter) part of the night and yourself following in their wake. Let none of you look about (and lag behind) but proceed to where you are commanded.´
15:66وقضينا إليه ذلك الأمر أن دابر هؤلاء مقطوع مصبحينوَقَضَيْنَآ إِلَيْهِ ذَٟلِكَ ٱلْأَمْرَ أَنَّ دَابِرَ هَٟٓؤُلَآءِ مَقْطُوعٌۭ مُّصْبِحِينَ Und wir beschlossen in dieser Angelegenheit ihm gegenüber, dass der Rückhalt jener am Morgen abgeschnitten wird Wir gaben Lot ein: "Wir haben die Entscheidung getroffen, daß diese Frevler am Morgen vernichtet werden." Und Wir verkündeten ihm diesen Ratschluß, daß die Wurzel jener abgeschnitten werden sollte am Morgen. We delivered to him this command: those people are to be annihilated in the morning. And We made the matter known to him, that the remainder of these people would be wiped out by the morning. And We made known this decree to him, that the last remnants of those (sinners) should be cut off by the morning. And [through Our messengers] We revealed unto him this decree: "The last remnant of those [sinners] shall be wiped out" in the morn." And We made plain the case to him, that the root of them (who did wrong) was to be cut at early morn. And We made known to him this decree that the wrongdoers were to be utterly cut off in the morning. And We revealed to him this decree, that the roots of these shall be cut off in the morning. And We appraised him (-Lot) with certainty that the roots (and last remnants) of these people are to be cut off when they rise at dawn.
15:67وجاء أهل المدينة يستبشرونوَجَآءَ أَهْلُ ٱلْمَدِينَةِ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ Und die Bewohner der Stadt kamen zuversichtlich Die Stadtbewohner kamen erfreut herbei und machten sich frohlockend Hoffnungen. Und das Volk der Stadt kam frohlockend. The people of the city came joyfully. And the people of the city came seeking good news. The inhabitants of the city came in (mad) joy (at news of the young men). And the people of the city came [unto Lot], rejoicing at the glad tiding. And the people of the city came, rejoicing at the news (of new arrivals). The people of the city came to him rejoicing. And the people of the town came rejoicing. And the residents of the city came rejoicing (to the house of Lot).
15:68قال إن هؤلاء ضيفى فلا تفضحونقَالَ إِنَّ هَٟٓؤُلَآءِ ضَيْفِى فَلَا تَفْضَحُونِ Er sagte: Diese hier sind meine Gäste. Blamiert mich also nicht Lot sprach: "Diese sind meine Gäste. Macht mir keine Schande! Er sprach: «Das sind meine Gäste, so tut mir nicht Schande an. He said, "These are my guests; do not embarrass me. He said: 'These are my guests, so do not embarrass me!' Lut said: "These are my guests: disgrace me not: Exclaimed [Lot]: "Behold, these are my guests: so put me not to shame, He said: Lo! they are my guests. Affront me not! He said: ´These are my guests; do not shame me. He said: Surely these are my guests, therefore do not disgrace me, (Lot) said, `Surely, these are my guests, therefore do not put me to shame (by your disrespectful behaviour towards them).
15:69واتقوا الله ولا تخزونوَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَلَا تُخْزُونِ Und seid Gottes achtsam, und bringt mich nicht in Schande Fürchtet Gott und laßt mich keine Schmach erleiden!" Und fürchtet Allah und stürzet mich nicht in Schmach.» "Fear God, and do not shame me." 'And be aware of God, and do not disgrace me!' "But fear Allah, and shame me not." but be conscious of God and disgrace me not!" And keep your duty to Allah, and shame me not! Fear Allah and do not disgrace me.´ And guard against (the punishment of) Allah and do not put me to shame. `And keep your duty to Allâh and disgrace me not.´
15:70قالوا أولم ننهك عن العلمينقَالُوٓا۟ أَوَلَمْ نَنْهَكَ عَنِ ٱلْعَٟلَمِينَ Sie sagten: Haben wir dir nicht den Umgang mit den Weltenbewohnern unterbunden? Sie sagten: "Haben wir dir nicht verboten, Menschen in deiner Nähe zu haben?" Sie sprachen: «Haben wir dir nicht verboten, Leute aller Art (aufzunehmen)?» They said, "Did we not enjoin you from contacting anyone?" They said: 'Did we not prohibit you from the world?' They said: "Did we not forbid thee (to speak) for all and sundry?" They answered: "Have we not forbidden thee [to offer protection] to any kind of people?" They said: Have we not forbidden you from (entertaining) anyone? They replied: ´Have we not forbidden you (the people of) the worlds?´ They said: Have we not forbidden you from (other) people? They said, `Have we not told you not to entertain (all sorts of unknown) people?´
15:71قال هؤلاء بناتى إن كنتم فعلينقَالَ هَٟٓؤُلَآءِ بَنَاتِىٓ إِن كُنتُمْ فَٟعِلِينَ Er sagte: Diese hier sind meine Töchter, so ihr es tun müsst Da antwortete er: "Hier sind die Mädchen der Stadt, die wie meine Töchter sind. Heiratet sie, wenn ihr entschlossen seid, der Natur zu folgen!" Er sprach: «Hier sind meine Töchter, wenn ihr etwas tun müßt.» He said, "Here are my daughters, if you must." He said: 'Here are my daughters if it is your intention.' He said: "There are my daughters (to marry), if ye must act (so)." [Lot] said: "[Take instead] these daughters of mine, if you must do [whatever you intend to do]!" He said: Here are my daughters, if ye must be doing (so). He said: ´Here are my daughters; take them (in marriage), if you would be doing.´ He said: These are my daughters, if you will do (aught). He said, `Here are my daughters (as hostages to serve as a guarantee that the strangers will not make a mischief), if you must do something (to make any investigation against me).´
15:72لعمرك إنهم لفى سكرتهم يعمهونلَعَمْرُكَ إِنَّهُمْ لَفِى سَكْرَتِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ Bei deinem Leben, sie sind ja in ihrer Trunkenheit total verblendet Die Wahrheit ist, sie waren berauscht und ahnten nicht, was sie erwartete. Bei deinem Leben, (auch) diese in ihrer Trunkenheit wandern blindlings irre. But, alas, they were totally blinded by their lust. By your life, they are in their drunkenness, blundering. Verily, by thy life (O Prophet), in their wild intoxication, they wander in distraction, to and fro. [But the angels spoke thus:] "As thou livest, [O Lot, they will not listen to thee:] behold, in their delirium [of lust] they are but blindly stumbling to and fro!" By thy life (O Muhammad) they moved blindly in the frenzy of approaching death. By your life, they wandered blindly in their dazzlement. By your life! they were blindly wandering on in their intoxication. (Prophet!) by your (holy) life and by your true faith these (your opponents) are (also) wandering distractedly in a fit of frenzy.
15:73فأخذتهم الصيحة مشرقينفَأَخَذَتْهُمُ ٱلصَّيْحَةُ مُشْرِقِينَ So ergriff sie der Schrei bei Sonnenaufgang Der ungeheure, vernichtende Schrei ergriff sie, als die Sonne aufging. Da erfaßte die Strafe sie bei Sonnenaufgang. Consequently, the disaster struck them in the morning. So the scream took them at sunrise. But the (mighty) Blast overtook them before morning, And thereupon the blast [of Our punishment] overtook them at the time of sunrise, Then the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the sunrise. At sunrise a dreadful Shout seized them. So the rumbling overtook them (while) entering upon the time of sunrise; Then a dreadful punishment overtook these (opponents of Lot) at sunrise.
15:74فجعلنا عليها سافلها وأمطرنا عليهم حجارة من سجيلفَجَعَلْنَا عَٟلِيَهَا سَافِلَهَا وَأَمْطَرْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ حِجَارَةًۭ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ Dadurch machten wir ihre obere Stelle zu ihrer niedrigeren und ließen Steine aus Schwefel auf sie niederfallen Und wir stellten die Stadt auf den Kopf und ließen einen Hagel aus hartem Lehm, dem Regenfall gleich, auf sie niedergehen. Und Wir kehrten das Oberste zuunterst, und Wir ließen auf sie Backsteine niederregnen. We turned it upside down, and showered them with devastating rocks. Thus We made its highest part become its lowest, and We rained upon them fiery projectiles. And We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay. and We turned those [sinful towns} upside down, and rained down upon them stone-hard blows of chastisement pre-ordained. And We utterly confounded them, and We rained upon them stones of heated clay. We laid it (the city) up-side down and rained stones of baked clay upon them. Thus did We turn it upside down, and rained down upon them stones of what had been decreed. We turned it (- the city) upside down, and rained upon the people petrified hard stones of clay (constantly).
15:75إن فى ذلك لءايت للمتوسمينإِنَّ فِى ذَٟلِكَ لَءَايَٟتٍۢ لِّلْمُتَوَسِّمِينَ Gewiss, darin ist ein Zeichen für die Einsichtigen Darin liegen Zeichen für Menschen, die denken können. Fürwahr, hierin sind Zeichen für die Einsichtigen. This is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. In this are signs for those who see. Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand. Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for those who can read the signs: Lo! therein verily are portents for those who read the signs. Surely, in that there are signs for those who contemplate. Surely in this are signs for those who examine. Surely, in this (narrative) there are many signs for such as can interpret (signs).
15:76وإنها لبسبيل مقيموَإِنَّهَا لَبِسَبِيلٍۢ مُّقِيمٍ Und sie ist gewiss an einem noch bestehenden Weg Die Stadt liegt an einer noch bestehenden Straße und regt zur Besinnung an. Und es liegt an einer Straße, die besteht. This will always be the system. And it was on an established path. And the (cities were) right on the high-road. for, behold, those [towns] stood by a road that still exists. And lo! it is upon a road still uneffaced. Indeed, it is on a way which still exists. And surely it is on a road that still abides. And (the ruins of) these (townships) lie on a road that still exists (right on the highway between Arabia and Syria).
15:77إن فى ذلك لءاية للمؤمنينإِنَّ فِى ذَٟلِكَ لَءَايَةًۭ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ Gewiss, darin ist ein Zeichen für die Gläubigen Darin ist ein Zeichen für die Gläubigen. Fürwahr, hierin ist ein Zeichen für die Gläubigen. This is a sign for the believers. In that is a sign for the believers. Behold! in this is a sign for those who believed. Verily, herein lies a message indeed for all who believe [in God]. Lo! therein is indeed a portent for believers. Surely, in that there is a sign for those who believe. Most surely there is a sign in this for the believers. Behold! in this (narration) is indeed a sign for the believers.
15:78وإن كان أصحب الأيكة لظلمينوَإِن كَانَ أَصْحَٟبُ ٱلْأَيْكَةِ لَظَٟلِمِينَ Auch die Angehörigen der Eiche pflegten ungerecht zu sein Auch die Leute des Waldes waren ungerecht. Auch die Waldleute waren gewißlich Frevler. The people of the woods also were transgressors. And the dwellers of the forest were wicked. And the Companions of the Wood were also wrong-doers; AND THE DWELLERS of the wooded dales [of Madyan, too,] were inveterate evildoers, And the dwellers in the wood indeed were evil-doers. The dwellers of the Thicket were harmdoers. And the dwellers of the thicket also were most surely unjust. Certainly, the dwellers of the thicket (of Midian) were (also) a wrong doing people.
15:79فانتقمنا منهم وإنهما لبإمام مبينفَٱنتَقَمْنَا مِنْهُمْ وَإِنَّهُمَا لَبِإِمَامٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ So rächten wir uns an ihnen. Beide waren ja in einer klaren Vorführung Wir bestraften sie. Ihre Überreste liegen an einer sichtbaren Straße, die weithin erkennbar ist. Darum züchtigten Wir sie. Und beide liegen sie an einer erkennbaren Straße. Consequently, we avenged from them, and both communities are fully documented. So, We sought revenge from them. And they are in a clear ledger. So We exacted retribution from them. They were both on an open highway, plain to see. and so We inflicted Our retribution on them. And, behold, both these [sinful communities] lived by a highway, [to this day] plain to see So We took vengeance on them; and lo! they both are on a high road plain to see. On them, too, We took vengeance, and they are both on a clear roadway. So We inflicted retribution on them, and they are both, indeed, on an open road (still) pursued. Therefore We inflicted punishment on them; and (the ruins of) both their cities (-the city of Sodomites and the city of Aikah) lie indeed on the open highway (traversed by the caravans from Hijâz to Syria).
15:80ولقد كذب أصحب الحجر المرسلينوَلَقَدْ كَذَّبَ أَصْحَٟبُ ٱلْحِجْرِ ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ Auch die Angehörigen der Felsenhäuser haben ja die Entsandten geleugnet Auch die Leute vom Hidschr bezichtigten die Gesandten der Lüge. Auch das Volk von Hidschr behandelte die Gesandten als Lügner. The people of Al-Hijr disbelieved the messengers. And the dwellers of the enclosure disbelieved the messengers. The Companions of the Rocky Tract also rejected the messengers: AND, [likewise,] indeed, the people of Al-Hijr gave the lie to [Our] message-bearers: And the dwellers in Al-Hijr indeed denied (Our) messengers. And the dwellers of Al Hijr also belied the Messengers. And the dwellers of the Rock certainly rejected the messengers; And the dwellers of the Hijr (- a township of Thamûd lying between Tabûk and Madînah, also) cried lies to the Messengers.
15:81وءاتينهم ءايتنا فكانوا عنها معرضينوَءَاتَيْنَٟهُمْ ءَايَٟتِنَا فَكَانُوا۟ عَنْهَا مُعْرِضِينَ Auch ihnen brachten wir unsere Zeichen. Sie aber pflegten, sich von ihnen abzuwenden Wir übermittelten ihnen Unsere Zeichen. Sie wandten sich aber davon ab. Und Wir gaben ihnen Unsere Zeichen, sie aber wandten sich von ihnen ab. We gave them our revelations, but they disregarded them. And We gave them Our signs, but they turned away from them. We sent them Our Signs, but they persisted in turning away from them. for We did vouchsafe them Our messages, but they obstinately turned their backs upon them- And We gave them Our revelations, but they were averse to them. We brought them signs, but they turned away. And We gave them Our communications, but they turned aside from them; And We gave them Our commandments but they were averse to them.
15:82وكانوا ينحتون من الجبال بيوتا ءامنينوَكَانُوا۟ يَنْحِتُونَ مِنَ ٱلْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا ءَامِنِينَ Und sie pflegten, in Sicherheit Häuser aus den Bergen zu hauen Sie meißelten sich in den Bergen sichere Wohnstätten. Und sie pflegten sich Behausungen in die Berge zu graben zur Sicherheit. They used to carve secure homes out of the mountains. And they used to carve from the mountains homes, to be secure. Out of the mountains did they hew (their) edifices, (feeling themselves) secure. notwithstanding that they had been wont [to enjoy Our blessings and] to hew out dwellings from the mountains, [wherein they could live] in security And they used to hew out dwellings from the hills, (wherein they dwelt) secure. They hewed their dwellings out of the mountains in safety. And they hewed houses in the mountains in security. And they (in search of a life of peace and security,) used to hew some parts of the mountains into houses feeling secure (therein).
15:83فأخذتهم الصيحة مصبحينفَأَخَذَتْهُمُ ٱلصَّيْحَةُ مُصْبِحِينَ So ergriff sie der Schrei am Morgen Der ungeheure, vernichtende Schrei ergriff sie am Morgen. Jedoch die Strafe erfaßte sie am Morgen. The disaster hit them in the morning. So the scream took them in the morning. But the (mighty) Blast seized them of a morning, and so the blast [of Our punishment] overtook them at early morn, But the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the morning hour, But the Shout seized them in the morning, So the rumbling overtook them in the morning; But the dreadful punishment overtook them in the morning.
15:84فما أغنى عنهم ما كانوا يكسبونفَمَآ أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُوا۟ يَكْسِبُونَ Nichts von dem, was sie zu erwerben pflegten, nützte ihnen Alles, was sie erworben hatten, gewährte ihnen keinen Schutz. Und alles, was sie sich erworben hatten, nützte ihnen nichts. What they hoarded did not help them. What benefit did what they earn make for them? And of no avail to them was all that they did (with such art and care)! and of no avail to them was all [the power] that they had acquired. And that which they were wont to count as gain availed them not. and that which they had earned did not help them. And what they earned did not avail them. So that all that they had accomplished was of no avail to them.
15:85وما خلقنا السموت والأرض وما بينهما إلا بالحق وإن الساعة لءاتية فاصفح الصفح الجميلوَمَا خَلَقْنَا ٱلسَّمَٟوَٟتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَآ إِلَّا بِٱلْحَقِّ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ لَءَاتِيَةٌۭ ۖ فَٱصْفَحِ ٱلصَّفْحَ ٱلْجَمِيلَ Und wir erschufen die Himmel, die Erde und das, was zwischen beiden ist, nicht, außer mit der Wahrheit. Und die Stunde wird gewiss kommen. So verzeihe in einer schönen Weise! Wir haben die Himmel und die Erde und, was zwischen beiden ist, nur der Wahrheit nach geschaffen. Die Stunde des Jüngsten Tages wird ganz gewiß kommen. Sei deshalb in diesem Leben nachsichtig mit ihnen! Wir erschufen die Himmel und die Erde und was zwischen den beiden ist, nicht anders als in Weisheit, und die «Stunde» kommt gewiß. Darum vergib in schöner Vergebung. We did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a specific purpose. The end of the world will come, so treat them with benign neglect. And We have not created the heavens and the earth and what is in between except with the truth. And the Hour is coming, so overlook their faults gracefully. We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming (when this will be manifest). So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness. AND [remember:] We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without [an inner] truth; but, behold, the Hour [when this will become clear to all] is indeed yet to come. Hence, forgive [men´s failings] with fair forbearance: We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save with truth, and lo! the Hour is surely coming. So forgive, O Muhammad, with a gracious forgiveness. We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what is between them except in truth. The Hour is sure to come, therefore, forgive them with a gracious pardon. And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them two but in truth; and the hour is most surely coming, so turn away with kindly forgiveness. And We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between the two but to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom. And the (threatened) Hour (of punishment) is sure to come. So turn away from them with goodly grace.
15:86إن ربك هو الخلق العليمإِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ ٱلْخَلَّٟقُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ Gewiss, dein Herr ist es, der Schöpferische, der Wissende Dein Herr ist der Schöpfer und der Allwissende. Wahrlich, dein Herr, Er ist der erhabene Schöpfer, der Allwissende. Your Lord is the Creator, the Omniscient. Your Lord is the Creator, the Knower. For verily it is thy Lord who is the Master-Creator, knowing all things. verily, thy Sustainer is the all-knowing Creator of all things! Lo! Thy Lord! He is the All Wise Creator. Your Lord is the Creator, the Knower. Surely your Lord is the Creator of all things, the Knowing. Surely, it is your Lord Who is the Great Creator, the Possessor of perfect knowledge.
15:87ولقد ءاتينك سبعا من المثانى والقرءان العظيموَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٟكَ سَبْعًۭا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ Und wir brachten dir ja sieben der Zweierlein und den gewaltigen Quran Wir haben dir die sieben Verse (der Fâtiha) und den Großen Koran gegeben. Und Wir gaben dir fürwahr die sieben oft wiederholten (Verse) und den erhabenen Koran . We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Qur´án. And We have given you seven of the dual, and the great Qur'an. And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-repeated (verses) and the Grand Qur´an. AND, INDEED, We have bestowed upon thee seven of the oft repeated [verses], and [have, thus, laid open before thee] this sublime Qur´an: We have given thee seven of the oft repeated (verses) and the great Quran. We have given you the seven dual (verses, Al Fatihah) and the Mighty Holy Reading (Koran). And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the grand Quran. And infact We have given you the seven oft-recited (verses of Sûrah Al-Fâtihah) and the Grand Qur´ân.
15:88لا تمدن عينيك إلى ما متعنا به أزوجا منهم ولا تحزن عليهم واخفض جناحك للمؤمنينلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِۦٓ أَزْوَٟجًۭا مِّنْهُمْ وَلَا تَحْزَنْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَٱخْفِضْ جَنَاحَكَ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ Streck die Augen nicht zu dem, was wir manchen Paaren von ihnen genießen ließen. Und sei nicht traurig über sie. Und senke deinen Flügel für die Gläubigen Blick nicht verlangend zu den Genüssen, die Wir manchen gewährt haben, denn sie sind nichts gegen die Huld, die Wir dir erwiesen haben, und sei nicht betrübt über die Trotzigen! Sei sanft und langmütig mit den Gläubigen! Richte deine Augen nicht auf das, was Wir manchen von ihnen zu kurzem Genuß verliehen, und betrübe dich auch nicht über sie; und senke deinen Fittich auf die Gläubigen. Do not be jealous of what we bestowed upon the other (messengers), and do not be saddened (by the disbelievers), and lower your wing for the believers. So do not linger with your eyes on what We have bestowed upon some couples from them, and do not grieve for them, and lower your wing for the believers. Strain not thine eyes. (Wistfully) at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them, nor grieve over them: but lower thy wing (in gentleness) to the believers. [so] turn, not thine eyes [longingly] towards the worldly benefits which We have granted unto some Strain not thine eyes toward that which We cause some wedded pairs among them to enjoy, and be not grieved on their account, and lower thy wing (in tenderness) for the believers. Do not stretch your eyes to that We have given pairs of them to enjoy, nor sorrow for them, and lower your wing to the believers. Do not strain your eyes after what We have given certain classes of them to enjoy, and do not grieve for them, and make yourself gentle to the believers. Extend not your eyes desirously towards the fleeting enjoyments We have bestowed on some classes (of people) among them, nor grieve over (this destruction of) them and be kind and gentle to the believers,
15:89وقل إنى أنا النذير المبينوَقُلْ إِنِّىٓ أَنَا ٱلنَّذِيرُ ٱلْمُبِينُ Und sage: Ich bin gewiss der klare Warner Und sage: "Ich bin der Warner, der mit klaren Beweisen die Offenbarung verkündet." Und sprich: «Ich bin gewiß der aufklärende Warner» And proclaim: "I am the manifest warner." And say: 'I am the clarifying warner.' And say: "I am indeed he that warneth openly and without ambiguity,"- and say: "Behold, I am indeed the plain warner [promised by God] ! And say: Lo! I, even I, am a plain warner, And say: ´I am the plain warner.´ And say: Surely I am the plain warner. And proclaim, `I am, indeed, the plain Warner (promised by God).´
15:90كما أنزلنا على المقتسمينكَمَآ أَنزَلْنَا عَلَى ٱلْمُقْتَسِمِينَ Sowie wir auf die sich Teilenden herabsandten Auch warnen Wir jene Ungläubigen, die den Koran (in Poesie, Orakel und Legenden) einteilen, Weil Wir (die Strafe) herabsenden werden auf jene, die sich (gegen dich) in Gruppen verbanden, We will deal with the dividers. As We have sent down upon the dividers. (Of just such wrath) as We sent down on those who divided (Scripture into arbitrary parts),- [For, thou art the bearer of a divine writ Such as We send down for those who make division, So We sent it down to the partitioners, Like as We sent down on the dividers Since We (have decided to) send down (this revelation full of warnings) to those who have formed themselves into factions by taking oaths (against you).
15:91الذين جعلوا القرءان عضينٱلَّذِينَ جَعَلُوا۟ ٱلْقُرْءَانَ عِضِينَ Diejenigen, die den Quran in Bröckchen verwandelten die den Koran, der in sich geschlossen ist, auseinanderreißen. Die den Koran als lauter Lügen erklärten, They accept the Qur´án only partially. The ones who have made the Qur'an into segments. (So also on such) as have made Qur´an into shreds (as they please). [and] who [now] declare this Qur´an to be [a tissue of] falsehoods! Those who break the Quran into parts. who have broken the Koran into parts, Those who made the Quran into shreds. And who have pronounced the Qur´ân to be a pack of lies.
15:92فوربك لنسءلنهم أجمعينفَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْـَٔلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ Bei deinem Herrn, wir werden sie allesamt befragen Bei deinem Herrn, Wir werden sie alle am Jüngsten Tag verantwortlich machen Darum, bei deinem Herrn, Wir werden sie sicherlich alle zur Rechenschaft ziehen By your Lord, we will question them all, By your Lord, We will ask them all. Therefore, by the Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account, But, by thy Sustainer! [On the Day of Judgment] We shall indeed call them to account, one and all, Them, by thy Lord, We shall question, every one, so by your Lord, We will question them all So, by your Lord, We would most certainly question them all, So by your Lord, We will surely question them all,
15:93عما كانوا يعملونعَمَّا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ Über das, was sie zu tun pflegten für das, was sie an Untaten begangen haben. Um dessentwillen, was sie zu tun pflegten. about everything they have done. Regarding what they used to do. For all their deeds. for whatever they have done! Of what they used to do. about what they did. As to what they did. About their (mis)deeds.
15:94فاصدع بما تؤمر وأعرض عن المشركينفَٱصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ So brich mit dem auf, was dir befohlen wird, und wende dich von den Beigesellern ab Verkünde öffentlich, was dir befohlen ist, und wende dich von den Götzendienern ab, die Gott Gefährten beigesellen! So tue denn offen kund, was dir geboten ward, und wende dich ab von den Götzendienern. Therefore, carry out the orders given to you, and disregard the idol worshipers. So proclaim what you have been commanded and turn away from the polytheists. Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah. Hence, proclaim openly all that thou hast been bidden [to say], and leave alone all those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God: So proclaim that which thou art commanded, and withdraw from the idolaters. Proclaim then, what you are commanded and turn away from the unbelievers. Therefore declare openly what you are bidden and turn aside from the polytheists. Therefore declare openly what you are commanded (to deliver) and turn away from the polytheists.
15:95إنا كفينك المستهزءينإِنَّا كَفَيْنَٟكَ ٱلْمُسْتَهْزِءِينَ Gewiss, wir genügten dir vor den Spöttern Wir schützen dich vor den Spöttern, Wir werden dir sicherlich genügen gegen die Spötter, We will spare you the mockers, We will relieve you from those who mocked. For sufficient are We unto thee against those who scoff,- verily, We shall suffice thee against all who [now] deride [this message - all] Lo! We defend thee from the scoffers, We suffice you against those who mock, Surely We will suffice you against the scoffers We do suffice you (to punish) those who treat (you) scornfully.
15:96الذين يجعلون مع الله إلها ءاخر فسوف يعلمونٱلَّذِينَ يَجْعَلُونَ مَعَ ٱللَّهِ إِلَٟهًا ءَاخَرَ ۚ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ Diejenigen, die neben Gott eine andere Gottheit setzen. Diese werden dann wissen die Gott andere Gottheiten beigesellen. Sie werden erfahren, was sie sich zugezogen haben. Die einen anderen Gott neben Allah setzen, doch bald werden sie wissen. who set up another god beside God. They will surely find out. Those who place with God another god. They will come to know. Those who adopt, with Allah, another god: but soon will they come to know. who assert that there are, side by side with God, other divine powers as well: for in time they will come to know [the truth]. Who set some other god along with Allah. But they will come to know. and those who set up other gods with Allah, indeed, they will soon know. Those who set up another god with Allah; so they shall soon know. Who set up an other god beside Allâh; but they shall soon come to know (the consequences).
15:97ولقد نعلم أنك يضيق صدرك بما يقولونوَلَقَدْ نَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ يَضِيقُ صَدْرُكَ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ Und wir wissen ja, dass deine Brust beklommen ist wegen dessen, was sie sagen Wir wissen, daß du dich über ihr Gerede grämst. Und fürwahr, Wir wissen, daß deine Brust beklommen wird ob dessen, was sie reden. We know full well that you may be annoyed by their utterances. And We know that your chest is strained by what they say. We do indeed know how thy heart is distressed at what they say. And well do We know that thy bosom is constricted by the [blasphemous] things that they say: Well know We that thy bosom is at times oppressed by what they say, Indeed, We know your chest is straitened by that they say. And surely We know that your breast straitens at what they say; And We know, indeed, that your mind is distressed because of (polytheistic things) that they say,
15:98فسبح بحمد ربك وكن من السجدينفَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَكُن مِّنَ ٱلسَّٟجِدِينَ Dann preise mit Lob deinen Herrn und sei einer der Unterwerfenden Preise Deinen Herrn, und reihe dich unter die Betenden, die sich vor Gott niederwerfen! Aber lobpreise deinen Herrn und sei einer der sich Unterwerfenden. You shall sing the praises of your Lord, and be with the prostrators. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be of those who prostrate. But celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration. but extol thou thy Sustainer´s limitless glory and praise Him, and be of those who prostrate themselves [before Him] in adoration, But hymn the praise of thy Lord, and be of those who make prostration (unto Him). Exalt with the praise of your Lord and be one of those who prostrate. Therefore celebrate the praise of your Lord, and be of those who make obeisance. So (the remedy of this distress is that you) glorify your Lord with all His true praise and be of those who prostrate themselves (before Him).
15:99واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقينوَٱعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَكَ ٱلْيَقِينُ Und diene deinem Herrn, bis die Gewissheit zu dir kommt Und diene Deinem Herrn, bis dir die Gewißheit des Jüngsten Tages gegenwärtig ist! Und diene deinem Herrn, bis der Tod zu dir kommt. And worship your Lord, in order to attain certainty. And serve your Lord until certainty comes to you. And serve thy Lord until there come unto thee the Hour that is Certain. and worship thy Sustainer till death comes to thee. And serve thy Lord till the inevitable cometh unto thee. Worship your Lord till the certainty (death) comes to you. And serve your Lord until there comes to you that which is certain. And go on worshipping your Lord until there comes to you that which is certain (and you breathe your last).
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